Frequently asked questions
Yes, the price is fixed and there are no hidden additional costs. All required study materials are provided by us and are included in the price.
The study materials are presented in our e-learning platform study.atpltheory.eu, which is available for every operation system and is available as a applicaton for iOS and Android. This in-house developed learning tool will guide you perfectly trough your learning process. Besides that you will be using ATPdigital application, which is available for Windows and Mac OS PCs and laptops. There’s also an iOS app available for iPad.
The weekly assignments and progress/final tests will be presented on our e-learning platform study.atpltheory.eu. The study materials and topics will be presented in the ATPdigital application.
Yes. After downloading the ATPdigital application you can study without using internet connection. However you will need to have an internet connection for the information of weekly assignments in our e-learning platform.
The consultations are held on Microsoft Teams app. You will get the link to the consultations beforehand. The purpose of these consultations is to explain unclear topics, which you can mark during the course.
For following the course plan and hence complete the course in 7 months, you should plan to study for 20 hours per week.
However if you don’t manage to study 20 hours, you have 18 months time to complete the course.
No. The modules must be studied in numerical sequence, meaning that for enrolling into a new module you have to finish the previous one.
For enrolling into a new module, you have to successfully complete the previous one including consultations and progress tests. If you do not manage to do so, you will have another 7 weeks time to complete the module, however you do not need to start from the beginning.
Each subject will have 2 or 3 progress tests and a final test during the 6 weeks of studying. To start a new module, you must successfully pass all the tests at a rate of 75% or more, which allows you to obtain a certificate of successfully finishing the subject. In case of not passing an assessment, you can retake it.
The consultations are mandatory and the dates will be known at least 2 weeks beforehand. If you can’t attend to the consultations, you shall let us know and you will be able to have consultations with the next group.
This can be however done only once; further absences will require additional payment.
Yes, however additional consultation hours require additional payment.
Yes. In that way you can split up your studying and examinations based on the completed modules to maximise your knowledge at the day of the examination. Before the last exams at the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority), you have to complete the area 100 KSA, which you will complete after the third module.
Yes. After course completion you can sit the exams at any CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) under EASA.
You will be able to mark unclear topics on our platform study.atpltheory.eu and discuss them with our instructors at the consultations.